NCSHLA Advocacy

Stay informed & make a difference!

Now it's time for our voices to be heard! As NC residents, the House Representatives and Senators that are elected in your community need to hear from you! 

Now is your chance. 

Go to based upon your home address and then email them the following message and your personal request for support when they are asked to get behind our effort to increase Medicaid rates for in the short session that begins on April 24th. 

Dear Rep./Sen. ______________,
I am a ____ [speech-language pathologist, audiologist, speech-language pathology assistants, audiology assistant] in your district and am reaching out today to request your support for increased Medicaid rates for speech-language pathology services in North Carolina.  Medicaid rates for SLP services have not increased since 2003 and were even cut during the 2008 recession.  With increased inflation and workforce pressures, the need for Medicaid rate increases for speech-language pathologist services is more essential than ever.  
  • Speech-Language Pathologists play an indispensable role in our healthcare system by providing early diagnosis and comprehensive therapy to individuals at every stage of life. From young children grappling with autism, communication disorders, or swallowing difficulties, to adults recovering from strokes and other severe health challenges, SLPs offer essential interventions that significantly improve quality of life and long-term outcomes.
  • These conditions, if left untreated, can impede academic achievement, social integration, and future economic productivity. By investing in SLP services through Medicaid, we not only help these children to overcome barriers and succeed in school and beyond, but we also reduce long-term costs associated with untreated speech and language disorders.
  • SLPs are instrumental in reducing healthcare costs by preventing more severe health complications. Patients who receive timely and effective speech and language therapy are less likely to need extensive medical treatments or special education services, which are often more costly and resource-intensive.

By supporting an increase in Medicaid funding for SLP services, we can ensure that all individuals, regardless of economic background, have access to the care they need. This not only upholds our commitment to equality and welfare but also strengthens the foundation of our community's health and economic stability.

Thank you for considering this vital enhancement to our state's healthcare policy. I am confident that with your support, we can achieve remarkable improvements in the lives of many of our residents.

Thank you for your public service and leadership.  I look forward to hearing from you.
Insert name


 Too much work?  You can also go to the ASHA Take Action link and send a message directly from there.


You asked so we asked! Are CCCs required to bill Medicaid in North Carolina?  We asked NC Medicaid and they responded with the following:

 NC Medicaid policy language on SLP Provider requirements:

Code of Federal Regulations that outlines Provider requirements for SLPs billing for services provided to Medicare and Medicaid patients 42 CFR 440.110(c)(2):